This page is dedicated to the winning limericks from Facebook. Keep coming back - new one each day!
NEW WINNER at 11pm!
In this crazy lonely world at the moment, along with keeping safe and well, I think we also need to keep creative, communicate with others, and retain our sense of humour. So here's a little quick way to keep our minds active and have some fun together, albeit remotely.
Each day, in the COVID 19 LIMERICK FACEBOOK GROUP, I'll write the opening two lines of a limerick about our current craziness, and then over to you to write the remaining three lines of the limerick in a comment.
Today's LIMERICK STARTER (30/3/20):
The ways to keep boredom at bay,
Are increasingly weirder each day.
(over to you....)
The one with the most 'likes' by 11pm wins!
Be safe,
love Neil x
If you don't know what a limerick is, it's five lines, with lines 1, 2 and 5 ending with the same rhyme, and lines 3 and 4 ending with the same rhyme.
The rhythm is:
de dum-pe-ty dum-pe-ty dum
de dum-pe-ty dum-pe-ty dum
de dum-pe-ty dum
de dum-pe-ty dum
de dum-pe-ty dum-pe-ty dum
with the final line being the punch line.
So....an example;
The was an old fellow named Gus
When travelling he made such fuss
He was banned from the train.
Not allowed on a plane.
And now travels only by bus.
Day 10 (29/3/20)
Today's winner is....
I thought for a bit of a lark
I’d exercise out in the park
But my bum is just jumping
My boobs are still bumping
And the bra wire has dug a right mark.
Caroline Reddish
I thought - for a bit of a lark -
I'd exercise out in the park.
But joggers are hogging
The paths, which are clogging.
'Two meters - piss off' I remark.
Neil Rutherford
I thought - for a bit of a lark -
I’d exercise out in the park.
Alas, there are more than ten folks,
And these limits aren’t jokes,
So I’ll try again after dark.
Andrew Dummond
I thought for a bit of a lark
I’d exercise out in the park
But because of the numpties
The sheer Humpty Dumptys
I’d rather stay home and just lark
Nicky Adams
I thought for a bit of a lark
I’d exercise out in the park
But I must keep in isolation
Away from the Nation
So no getting up with the Lark!
Keryle Rutherford
I thought for a bit of a lark
I’d exercise out in the park
It was a mistake
I fell in the lake
I’ve been too long at home in the dark!
Ali Bendall